Land At 173 - 175 Kenn Road Clevedon.
Redevelopment of the site to form a retirement living plus (Extra Care) development of 57 units (C2 Use), a children's day nursery and associated parking, landscaping. New vehicular and pedestrian access from Kenn Road.
Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application.
The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, have objected to this application on road safety grounds.
Our letter text is as follows:
Dear Sir / Madam,
APPLICATION 18/P/4682/FUL. 173-175 Kenn Road, Clevedon.
Retirement Housing and Day Nursery.
The Civic Society has already submitted its comments on this application, but because of the recent substitution of day nursery for the doctors surgery we reiterate our OBJECTIONS to the site access.
Formation of a new vehicular access onto Kenn Road so close to the Tesco roundabout is counter to all logic and reference to the site layout plan confirms that a much safer site access already exists.
The proposed arrangement is much more of a traffic hazard than use of the existing access, a fact that is reinforced by the unprecedented objection to this application by NSC Highways department.
The prospect of parking on Kenn Road by parents dropping off and picking their children at rush hour is obviously very hazardous, and would unecessarily expose children to high levels of pollution on a daily basis.
For this reason we request that North Somerset Council REFUSES the application ,
Yours Faithfully,
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