Planning Application


Court Farm All Saints Lane Clevedon BS21 6AZ. 

Reserved matters application for the layout, scale, appearance and landscaping of six dwellings on plots 4-9 pursuant to the extent of the outline permission granted as part of hybrid application 17/P/2435/O (Hybrid planning application - Outline permission for the erection of six new dwellings (Plots 4-9), following demolition of the remainder of the existing buildings across the site with all matters reserved for subsequent approval apart from access. Full permission for the retention and conversion of two existing traditional buildings into three dwellings (plots 1-3) with associated infrastructure, including parking and landscaping).

Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application. 

The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, have objected to this application on the grounds of inappropriate use of materials and prominence in its setting.

Our letter text is as follows:

August 2019.

Dear Mr. Cole,

APPLICATION 19/P/1719/RM. Reserved matters application for plots 4-9, Court Farm, All Saints Lane, Clevedon.

The Civic Society OBJECTS to the above application for the following reasons;

 Inappropriate use of materials; The elevations submitted as part of the approved hybrid application showed these houses constructed with natural stone elevations, in accordance with the local vernacular tradition.
The current application departs from this tradition, proposing black corrugated metal sheet cladding for the upper stories and roofs .
Although this material has been used recently on some high profile housing projects in other parts of the country, it reflects a tarred timber barn cladding tradition which is not part of the local vernacular.

 This is a visually prominent site at the junction of Northern Way and Tickenham Road, adjacent to Grade 1 Listed Clevedon Court, and the choice of such an assertive material in such a location is entirely out of place.

 Given the visual importance of this site we had hoped that the design of plot 9, the South elevation of which presents a black gable with minimal fenestration to the public realm would be more responsive to its location.

For the above reasons we request that North Somerset Council REFUSES this application in its present form, and works with the Applicant to achieve a scheme that is reflective of the local context

Yours Faithfully,
Clevedon Civic Society.

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