Planning Application


4 Melbourne Terrace Clevedon BS21 6HQ. 

Outline application for the proposed 2no. 2 bed dwellings (all matters reserved for subsequent approval).

Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application. 

The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, have objected on this application on the grounds of over-development.

Our letter text is as follows:

August 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

APPLICATION 19/P/1722/OUT. 4 Melbourne Terrace, Clevedon.
Outline application for 2no 2bed houses.

The Civic Society is not against the development of this site which is in a highly visible location on the approach to the town centre. However we OBJECT to the proposal for 2 houses which is over development of the site because;

 The private open space for each house is minimal,
 The parking provision does not comply with the North Somerset Council standard.

We hope that North Somerset Council will work with the applicants to achieve a much more imaginative solution based upon a single dwelling whilst complying with the relevant environmental standards.
The Civic Society looks forward to seeing a full planning application for a scheme which fully responds to its location,

Yours Faithfully, 

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