Planning Application


2 Highdale Road, Clevedon BS21 7LW.

Construction of Coach House to provide home office, garaging, workshop and machinery storage.

Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application. 

The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, agreed to write and object to this application, on the grounds that this is a highly visible site, in a Conservation Area and near to listed buildings. There are also 6 other letters of objection.

Our letter text is as follows:


Dear Sir/Madam,

APPLICATION 19/P/1821/FUL. Proposed coach house at 2 Highdale Road, Clevedon.

The Civic Society OBJECTS to the above application for the following reasons;

 There are no buildings on this side of Highdale Road between the applicant's property and Christchurch, so this steeply sloping wooded area forms a significant landscape feature, visible from Highdale Avenue, Old Street, and more distant views from the town towards Dial Hill. In addition, the site is elevated above and consequently, highly visible from the public footpath connecting Highdale Farm and Christchurch, both of which are listed buildings.

 Since this is such a visually sensitive site in the Conservation Area, and affecting the setting of at least two listed buildings, we do not consider that the impact of the proposed building can be adequately assessed from the information submitted.

 The application should include at least;
 A landscape study showing the impact of the proposed building on the setting of the listed buildings and demonstrating that there is no adverse effect on the Conservation Area
 Site sections with levels to show the proposed building in relation to Highdale Road and Highdale Farm and in relation to 2 Highdale Road on this steeply sloping site.

 The scale of the proposed building, with a plan area of 40 feet x 75 feet is twice the footprint of the house, with a very high pitched roof , and it is difficult to see how it can be satisfactorily integrated into such a sensitive landscape setting .

For the above reasons, the Civic Society requests that North Somerset Council REFUSES the application in its present form.

Yours Faithfully,
Clevedon Civic Society.

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