Planning Application


3 The Avenue Clevedon BS21 7EB. 

3 storey side extension; rear extension to garden level rooms; alteration to kitchen entrance.

Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application. 

This Application is virtually identical to previous Application 18/P/5107/FUH, which was rejected earlier in 2019.

The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, have objected to this application on the grounds of over-development and conservation of the existing character of the road.

Our letter text is as follows:

November 2019

Dear Sir/Madam,

APPLICATION 19/P/2789/FUH. 3 Storey side extension at 3 The Avenue, Clevedon.

Clevedon Civic Society to OBJECTS to the above application for the following reasons;

 Overdevelopment of the site. The proposed extensions and alterations which would if allowed, create a dwelling with 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms 3 kitchens and 11 other rooms. This would overwhelm the original house and have a significant adverse effect on the amenity of the neighbouring properties. This is particularly apparent when the existing rear elevation is compared with the proposed rear elevation, which would be 4storeys high for virtually the full width of the site, a very dominant building. In addition the full width balcony at first floor level would have an adverse effect on the privacy of 52 Cambridge Road .

 The houses in this part of The Avenue date from the late 19th Century and form a harmonious group being roughly the same scale and design with similar high quality detailing and generous spaces between them. If this application is allowed the very attractive street scene would be badly disrupted, and it would set an unfortunate precedent.

 The emerging Neighbourhood Plan seeks to preserve what is special about Clevedon, and whilst this site is not in a Conservation Area, the houses in this part of The Avenue and in Cambridge Road are exactly what gives the town its unique quality. Once they are lost or dramatically altered they will never be replaced to the same standard.

 The design of the proposed side extension which replicates the existing building by adding a further gabled element would blur the distinction between new and old in a way that does not respect the original building. A side extension which is subservient to the original house in scale and which makes clear the difference between new and old would go some way towards preserving the attractive street scene whilst maintaining the visible distance between the individual houses.

This is almost identical to Application 18/P/5107/FUH which was refused earlier this year, and we are disappointed to see that no attempt has been made to take account of the reasons why the original scheme failed.
Resubmitting in the same form so soon is unacceptable and we request that North Somerset Council REFUSES this application.

Yours Sincerely, 

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