156 Old Church Road Clevedon BS21 7TU.
Display of internally illuminated fascia signs on front and side elevation (retrospective).
Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application.
The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, agreed to write and object to this application, the grouds for which are fully explained in our letter text below:
Dear Sir/ Madam,
APPLICATION 19/P/3118/ADV. 156 Old Church Road, Clevedon.
Display of 2 internally illuminated fascia signs on front and side. Retrospective.
The Civic Society OBJECTS to the above application.
When these signs were first installed without planning permission, we wrote to Planning Enforcement to object , and it is disappointing that our letter is not included in the public comments for this application.
However since the application has yet to be determined, we reiterate our objections;
• A continuous black band of fascia signs on the side and front elevations of the building would be visually unacceptable even in the heart of a predominantly shopping area. In this case the front elevation faces Salthouse Field. and is therefore highly visible from one of the main sea front visitor destinations .(We note that the application photographs play down this view, whilst concentrating on the Londis Garage and side elevation )
• 2signs approximately 11m long x.7 m high on a 2storey residential scale building would be excessive for a retail outlet, and for a funeral parlour which cannot possibly rely on passing trade, it is wholly unacceptable
• The proposal to internally illuminate these signs is even less acceptable given its location in a predominantly residential environment.
For these reasons we ask that North Somerset Council REFUSES this application, and works with the applicants to achieve more appropriately scaled signage for this important site.
Yours Faithfully,
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