Land At 173 - 175 Kenn Road Clevedon.
Variation to conditions 2 (plans) and 12 (height of glass screen) to planning permission 18/P/4846/FUL (redevelopment of the site to form a retirement living plus (Extra Care) development of 54 units (C2 Use), a children's nursery and associated parking, landscaping. New vehicular and pedestrian access from Kenn Road) to allow for alterations to floor plans resulting in a revision to number units from 54 to 57; alterations to external elevations, second floor, elevation 1 - windows added at second floor; Units 39, 43 and 57 opening amended to allow door opening and juliette balcony, 2 windows added to Unit 43, second floor, elevation 2 - dormer design amended, elevation 3 - gable roof revised, elevation 4 - roof design revised, new juliette added (condition 2) and lowering of glass screen condition height from 1.4m to 1.0m (condition 12)
Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application.
The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, will review this application and decide whether to comment.
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