Planning Application


Land Off Moor Lane (Off Court Lane) Clevedon.

Creation of a private fishing and swimming lake with associated landscaping on the land off Moor Lane. Refurbish a small dilapidated building into an off grid small changing room with roof mounted solar power to light the changing room and have a toilet that uses rain water and a reed bed to deal with the occasional effluent.

Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application.

The site lies within the area reserved for changes to the motorway junction, and NSC Highways Department have objected to the application. Highways England has recommended that planning permission should not be granted for a specified period.

The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, will review and decide whether to comment on this application.

December 2021: The Application has been withdrawn by the Applicant.

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