Conygar Quarry Nortons Wood Lane Clevedon.
Change of use from dis-used Quarry to Indoor and Outdoor Climbing Activity Centre; to include the erection of 4no. supporting buildings and outdoor climbing structures (Indoor Climbing Centre, outdoor climbing structure, Cafe/Restaurant, Maintenance building and Workshop). Installation of full boundary fence, minor landscaping, widen entrance and construction stone wall directly onto Nortons Wood Lane.
Click on the Application Reference above to go to the North Somerset Planning page for this application.
The Group are supportive of this use of the redundant quarry, however there are local objections and a personal letter from Liam Fox, MP, has been registered. NSC Highways Department are also taking an interest as their satisfaction as to the access issues along a narrow country lane being resolved will have a bearing on whether planning permission is granted.
The Conservation & Planning Group, on behalf of the Civic Society, will review this application and decide whether to comment.
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