Market Hall 5 Alexandra Road Clevedon BS21 7QE.
Alterations (including creation of mezzanine level and alterations to windows), reconfiguration and change of use from offices (Class E(g)(i)) to 6no. residential apartments (Class C3) and associated works.
Listed building consent for alterations (including creation of mezzanine level and changes to windows), reconfiguration and change of use from offices (Class E(g)(i)) to 6no. residential apartments (Class C3) and associated works.
JULY 2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
APPLICATION 22/P/1143/FUL; 1144/LBC.
Alterations, reconfiguration and change of use from offices to 6 No. residential apartments,
Market Hall, 5 Alexandra Road, Clevedon.
The Civic Society has the following concerns about the above planning and listed building application;
• The loss of a prominent commercial building which has been an important feature of life in this area since the 19th Century,
• Loss of an Employment use. The emerging Local Plan places great importance on preserving existing employment and only allowing change of use if all alternatives have been fully explored.
• If a viable commercial use is shown to be unachievable, we request that North Somerset Council explore with the Applicant the creation of Live/Work units instead of the entirely residential use proposed. This would preserve some commercial use for this important building and would also fit well with the current trend for home working.
Yours Sincerely,
Clevedon Civic Society
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